Food Science Technology Quiz | Food Science Technology Online Test for Practice

Here is the list of Food Science Technology quiz questions and answers available online test and pdf download format to practice for exams.

Food Science Technology Questions with Answers

31. implies a person eats but does not receive the amount of nutrients needed to keep the body healthy.

32. In developing countries, the time before is most difficult for meeting nutritional needs of the people.

33. In major production areas, dairies of cows or more are not uncommon.

34. In some food processing plants, peeling is used to remove skins from soft fruit and vegetables such as tomatoes.

35. In terms of additives, include both natural and synthetic colorants.

36. In the grading process, eggs are examined for both interior and exterior quality and are sorted according to...................

37. In.................., FDA approved the use of irradiation to control pathogens in fresh and frozen red meats, such as beef, lamb, and pork.

38. Ingredients on a food label are listed in order, based on weight.

39. Intimate contact occurs between the food or package and the refrigerant with freezing.

40. Irradiation causes undesirable flavor changes in products.

41. is a selective process that can be controlled to produce various levels of hardening.

42. is a soft cheeselike food made by curdling fresh hot soymilk with a coagulant.

43. is an alcoholic beverage made from fermented grape juice.

44. is done by dipping the fish in cold water and then freezing a layer before dipping the fish again.

45. is made by churning pasteurized cream.


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