Measures of Dispersion Multiple Choice Questions and Answers for Practice

Here is the list of Measures of Dispersion multiple choice questions and answers available online and pdf download format to practice for exams.

Measures of Dispersion Questions with Answers

16. Departure from symmetry is called:

17. In a symmetrical distribution, the coefficient of skewness will be:

18. The lack of uniformity or symmetry is called:

19. For a positively skewed distribution, mean is always:

20. For a symmetrical distribution:

21. If mean=50, mode=40 and standard deviation=5, the distribution is:

22. If mean=25, median=30 and standard deviation=15, the distribution will be:

23. If mean=20, median=16 and standard deviation=2, then coefficient of skewness is:

24. If mean=10, median=8 and standard deviation=6, then coefficient of skewness is:

25. If the sum of deviations from median is not zero, then a distribution will be:

26. In case of positively skewed distribution, the extreme values lie in the:

27. Bowley's coefficient of skewness lies between:

28. In a symmetrical distribution, Q3 – Q1 = 20, median = 15. Q3 is equal to:

29. Which of the following is correct in a negatively skewed distribution?

30. The lower and upper quartiles of a distribution are 80 and 120 respectively, while median is 100. The shape of the distribution is:


Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Measures of Dispersion

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