Beyond Recognition: The Power and Profit of Brand Consideration

Brand awareness isn't a get-rich-quick scheme. As this study reveals, seeing a return on investment (ROI) from this type of brand activity can take a while.

However, over time the benefits of this marketing are far greater than many other types of short-term initiatives. After brand awareness comes brand consideration.

But exactly what is brand consideration? And how do you go about increasing it for your business or organization? If you want to discover the answers to these questions, you're in the right place.

This guide will teach you how brand awareness is just one piece of the marketing puzzle. To unlock the power and profit behind this form of marketing, keep reading this guide.

What is Brand Consideration?

Product and brand consideration is the middle stage of the journey through the consumer funnel. In short, it's the stage when the consumer will decide whether or not it's worth it to purchase from your brand.

Consideration looks different for each consumer. For some people, all they need is to do a little digging through website product pages. An enticing copy is enough to make these individuals consider your product or service.

However, for other consumers, it's much more prolonged. They might require recommendations from other consumers or friends.

Or, they might go on a deep dive into reviews, buying guides, and videos before they seriously consider your brand. By investing in brand consideration, you help consumers arrive at this perfectly defined conversion point.

Why Is It Important?

All too often, marketing companies only tend to worry about brand awareness. They believe that if you have an awareness of a brand, you're automatically going to purchase from it as soon as it's put in front of your face.

Here's the problem: humans simply don't work like this. A lot of people can be aware of your brand but still never consider buying from it. Think about it.

How many ads for brands do you encounter every day that you would never purchase from? You might be aware of these brands, but you don't have enough interest in them to begin the consideration stage. This is why brand consideration is so important.

It's also important to note that the marketing funnel isn't always linear these days. It doesn't always go in a straight line from awareness to consideration to purchase.

For example, let's say you're selling televisions. If a customer wants to purchase a television, they might go on a buying guide and consider your brand.

In this way, they skip the awareness step entirely and move right on to consideration. By prioritizing brand consideration, you can help meet this group of consumers where they're at.

Brand Consideration Metrics

Before you can begin brand consideration marketing efforts, you first need to understand your brand's place in the current market. That means looking at things like your brand's performance, current market position, and growth potential.

The easiest way to determine this is with different brand consideration metrics. Here are some ones you should be paying attention to:

  • Brand preference - the degree to which a consumer will pick one brand over a competitor
  • Purchase intent - the degree to which a consumer will purchase from a brand in the future
  • Brand loyalty - the likelihood of a consumer becoming a repeat customer due to brand superiority
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS) - the chances of someone recommending your brand to someone else
  • Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) - measures how satisfied a consumer is with your brand

By analyzing these different metrics, you get a complete picture of your brand's strengths and weaknesses. This, in turn, allows you to craft a more effective marketing strategy.

What Types of Content Contribute Toward Brand Consideration?

Hopefully, by now, we've convinced you of the importance of brand consideration. So how do you target this important stage of the marketing process?

Simple: by creating and promoting content that drives a consumer toward the purchasing decision. This type of content needs to be informative above all else.

It should reveal what sets your brand apart from the competition. In this section, we'll go over some common types of content that tend to drive consideration.


It's crucial here that the review comes from a trusted source. That might be a consumer leaving a review on a review platform.

Or, it might be from a professional on their impartial blog or website. Regardless, getting positive reviews should be your priority with brand considerations.

Case Studies

Case studies are especially crucial if you have a B2B brand. Other businesses aren't going to believe your claims right off the bat.

They need objective proof that you're the right brand for them, and case studies are often the perfect way to do this.

High-Ranking Articles and Guides

Depending on your product or service, buying guides and how-to articles are both great ways of engaging with consumers and businesses while they're in the consideration stage.

However, it's important to remember that your potential customers aren't going to comb through dozens of search results to find the article or guide that contains your product or service.

That's why we recommend B2B SEO as a way to ensure that this type of content ranks high on the list of search results for keywords related to your businesses.


In the age of TikTok and YouTube, people often turn to videos when considering brands. This is partly because watching a video is often easier and more fun than reading something.

However, videos are also great resources for visually showing the capabilities of your brand's product or service.

Appreciate Learning About Brand Consideration? Keep Exploring

We hope this guide helped teach you more about brand consideration. When you prioritize brand awareness and consideration, you set yourself up for success in consumer decision-making.

However, without awareness, there's little chance they'll be able to consider getting your product or service. Similarly, without consideration, they're only going to know about your brand's existence. With these things in mind, look for marketing services that encompass both of these areas.

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