Dog Breed Quiz MCQs Questions Answers
1. Puppies are delivered after how many weeks after conception?
2. Normal adult dog have how many teeths ?
3. According to legend, the Buddha shrunk down a lion to create which dog breed?
4. Through which part of the body do dogs sweat ?
5. Which dog yodels instead of barks?
6. Which of these dog breeds is native to Tibet?
7. Mexico is home to a famous breed of dog – what is it called?
8. Which dog breed has a black tongue ?
9. What is the most common training command taught to dogs?
10. Which breed was once known as St. John's Newfoundland?
11. Queen Elizabeth II owned at least 30 individuals of which kind of dog?
12. Which dog breed’s name is Chinese for “sand skin”?
13. Which dog breed can you get in either Standard, Miniature, or Toy sizes?
14. The Golden Retriever originally comes from which country?
15. Able to defeat cheetahs in a sustained race, which dog breed is the fastest?
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