Easy Sweet Treats to Bake for Beginners

Some people love being in the kitchen, and others see it as a source of stress. When you are cooking or baking, there can be a lot going on and it can be pretty overwhelming. Starting small and with something you can enjoy almost straight away out of the oven is a great place to begin – with an immediate treat as an incentive.

If you are looking for a simple place to start, then check out this piece for some easy sweet treat suggestions for novices.

Read on to get your bake on!


Brownies are a classic favorite for chocolate lovers, and they are usually a hit wherever they go. Another great thing about brownies (the list is endless) is that they are pretty easy to make, and they can also be difficult to mess up – this makes them great for beginners.

Not only that, but they are very customizable!

Start off with your basic brownie recipe and master that – then you can start putting in different ingredients and use different toppings to customize the brownies to your taste!

Chocolate Tray Bake

If you love cake, you will most definitely enjoy a tray bake. This classic style of cake is something that is so easy to make, and can last more than a day (if you don’t have kids!).

If you are not a fan of chocolate, you can always omit it for a plain Victoria sponge tray bake, which can make it a lot more versatile for toppings or side accomplishments such as custard, fruit, cream, or other complimentary flavors.

All you need is a big tray pan, chocolate, and a basic cake recipe. If you want to make a tray bake cake extra special then why not get yourself some custom stencils from www.confectioncouturestencils.com.


Okay, so this one might be a little bit of a cheat as you do not actually have to bake anything, but it is a sweet treat that is easy, so it is worth making an exception.

Fudge is not only ready within 20 minutes or so, including cooling time, but it is really easy to customize and only needs 2-3 ingredients. It can make a great gift, or an exceptional afternoon treat when you need something sweet.

Condensed milk, butter, and sugar are all you need in the pantry to make classic fudge – anything else such as chocolate chips, flavorings, nuts, or other sweet additions you can mix in.

Mix all together and pop in the fridge until set.

Stained Glass Window Cookies

If you are in the mood for biscuits over cake, then this is a fun cookie recipe with a twist. Make a simple cookie recipe, roll out the batter, cut into cookie shapes but remove the middle and replace with a hardboiled candy. Then, pop them in the oven. The candy will melt and fill the hole, creating a stained glass window effect!

Try out these recipes and happy baking as a beginner!