Water Polo Multiple Choice Questions and Answers for Practice

Here is the list of Water Polo multiple choice questions and answers available online and pdf download format to practice for exams.

Water Polo Questions with Answers

16. Who is the Hungarian water polo player known as the "Maestro" and has achieved remarkable success in the sport?

17. What is the term for the action of a goalkeeper deflecting a shot away from the goal with their hand?

18. In water polo, what is the term for the area where the goalie is allowed to handle the ball?

19. Which city hosted the first Olympic water polo competition in 1900?

20. What is the term for a water polo play where a player passes the ball to a teammate and then immediately swims toward the goal?

21. Who is the American water polo player known for her outstanding goalkeeping skills and leadership in the pool?

22. What is the term for a water polo play where a player intentionally throws the ball out of bounds to stop play?

23. Which international water polo tournament features national teams competing in both mens and womens water polo?

24. Who is the Italian water polo player known as the "Bomber" and has a reputation for powerful shooting?

25. What is the term for a water polo play where a player passes the ball to a teammate who is then immediately covered by an opponent?


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