Embark on a captivating exploration of the United States of America with our curated collection of trivia questions and answers. Whether you're fascinated by the rich tapestry of American history, intrigued by the diverse landscapes and cultures spanning from coast to coast, or simply eager to test your knowledge about this vast and dynamic nation, our repository offers a wealth of insights. Explore topics such as the founding principles of the nation, the pivotal moments in its history, and the contributions of its diverse population to arts, sciences, and society. Each trivia question is meticulously crafted to challenge your understanding and spark your curiosity about the multifaceted identity of the USA. From uncovering the tales of founding fathers and pioneers to learning about the achievements of modern-day innovators and leaders, our trivia provides a comprehensive exploration of the United States' allure.
1. 16 national parks are in which two states of the USA?
2. Croatia is almost the same size in land as
3. Denali, the highest US mountain, is in
4. MIT is a famous university in
5. Mount Rushmore is in
6. The biggest US state is
7. The Missouri is the longest US
8. The most populous US state is
9. In USA, the Rocky Mountains are
10. The smallest US state is
11. The State of Virginia was named after Queen
12. The US national bird symbol is
13. Thomas Jefferson was
14. What is the biggest town in the USA?
15. What is the capital of California?
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