Steel Structures Multiple Choice Questions and Answers for Practice

Here is the list of Steel Structures multiple choice questions and answers available online and pdf download format to practice for exams.

Steel Structures Questions with Answers

16. From the consideration of tearing of section strength of an unequal angle section in tension is...............when short leg is connected compared to when its long leg is connected.

17. Gantry girders are designed to resist

18. HSFG bolts transfer load mainly due to

19. If 6 mm A.C. sheets are used for roofing, maximum spacing is

20. If 7 mm thick A.C. sheets are used maximum spacing of J bolts is

21. If a fillet weld is to the square edge, the size of weld shall be at least...............less than the edge thickness

22. If a plate with small hole is kept over another plate and the entire hole is filled with weld material, the weled joint is known as

23. If fillet weld is to the rounded toe of thickness t, a rolled steel section, the size of weld generally not to exceed

24. If intermittent butt welding is used, the space between two welds should not be more than..............times the thickness of the thinner member connected.

25. If p is the pitch, d is nominal diameter and d¢ bolt hole diameter, minimum pitch is

26. If packing plate thickness tpk exceeds 6 mm the shear capacity is to be reduced by a factor

27. If span of a roof truss is between 15–30 m, preferable spacing is

28. If span of truss is 40 m and above, preferable spacing of trusses is

29. If t is the thickness of thinner member and p is the pitch in bolted connection of a compression member, pitch shall not be more than

30. If t is the thickness of thinner plate in a bolted connection of tension member, pitch shall not be more than the


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