Softball Multiple Choice Questions and Answers for Practice

Here is the list of Softball multiple choice questions and answers available online and pdf download format to practice for exams.

Softball Questions with Answers

16. Who is the legendary Japanese softball player often referred to as the "Queen of Softball"?

17. In softball, what is the term for a pitch that is intentionally thrown outside the strike zone to entice the batter to swing and miss?

18. Which American softball player is known for her dominant pitching career and later transitioned to coaching?

19. What is the term for a pitch in softball that is intentionally thrown high above the batters head?

20. Which city hosted the Olympic softball competition in 2008, the last time the sport was part of the Olympics until 2020?

21. Who is the American softball player known for her powerful hitting and was a member of the "Fab Five"?

22. What is the term for a pitch in softball that is thrown with a slow, deliberate motion to deceive the batter?

23. Which country won the first Olympic gold medal in softball in 1996?

24. What is the term for a situation in softball where the defensive team records three outs consecutively on three pitches or fewer?

25. Which international softball tournament is often considered the most prestigious and features teams from around the world?


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Softball Question and Answer PDF Online

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