Silly MCQ Questions and Answers for Practice

Here is the list of Silly MCQ questions and answers available online and pdf download format to practice for exams.

Test Your Skills in SillyQuiz Online

Dive into a world of whimsy and fun with our collection of silly trivia questions and answers for adults! Whether you're looking for a good laugh or just want to unwind with some lighthearted entertainment, our repository is the perfect place to explore. Delve into topics that range from the absurd to the downright goofy, with silly questions, funny questions for adult that will tickle your funny bone and test your knowledge of the wonderfully silly aspects of life. Each trivia question is carefully crafted to bring a smile to your face and provide a moment of levity in your day. So sit back, relax, and get ready to giggle your way through our silly trivia collection!

Silly Questions with Answers

1. What is a group of unicorns called?

2. How many toes does a three-toed sloth have on each foot?

3. What is the official language of the Penguin Republic?

4. What do you call a group of crows playing musical instruments?

5. How fast can a snail move in miles per hour?

6. In which country did the Great Emu War take place?

7. What is a group of foxes called?

8. What is the favorite food of the Blobfish?

9. What is the scientific name for a hiccup?

10. How many pounds does a cloud weigh?

11. What is the main ingredient in moon cheese?

12. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop, according to Mr. Owl?

13. What is a group of butterflies called?

14. Which planet is known as the "Red Planet"?

15. What is the favorite sport of Bigfoot?


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Silly Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

Silly Trivia Quiz

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