Biodiversity MCQs Quiz Multiple Choice Questions & Answers

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MCQ quiz on Biodiversity multiple choice questions and answers on biodiversity MCQ questions quiz on biodiversity objectives questions with answer test pdf.

Biodiversity Questions with Answers

1. In organisms such as plants and animals, the chromosomes are located in the nucleus. Each human nucleus has this many chromosomes

2. Your height is considered to be a heritable characteristic, but is affected by

3. Offspring inherit genes from both parents. Most genes in most species exist in an array of possible forms known as

4. The five-kingdom classification system used by scientists includes:

5. There are different forms of reproduction in organisms. Asexual reproduction involves only one parent. A hydra reproduces asexually when it produces a smaller version of itself by

6. When a plant cutting produces a new individual, it does so without the formation of a seed. This type of asexual reproduction is called

7. Suckers (which are miniature identical forms of the parent plant) can be formed in the roots of poplar trees. Each of these suckers can produce trees identical to the parenttree. This form of asexual reproduction is called

8. When populations of different species live together within the same area, these populations form what is known as a

9. A symbiotic relationship where one species benefits and the other species is harmed is called

10. All living cells contain DNA. In the cells of plants and mammals, DNA is located in the

11. The inherited material that is responsible for variation in all organisms is DNA, which stands for

12. When a female cell (egg) is penetrated by a male cell (sperm) this occurs

13. Cross-fertilization occurs when a pollen grain

14. To better understand variation; scientists explore the characteristics, which are passed on from generation to generation within a species. Those characteristics that are passed on from generation to generation are

15. This type of characteristic, eye color, is considered to be

16. Although the same species may have the same basic structure, variations exist within the same species. Variations among members of a population are referred to as

17. Biotic and abiotic things interact within the same environment. An example of an abiotic part of an environment is

18. Closely related species have the same genus name, but different species names. This makes for identification based on

19. A single gene is an uninterrupted segment of DNA, which contains coded instructions for the cell. Genes are located in the

20. The chromosome numbers vary from organism to organism. Dogs have 78 chromosomes and cats have 38. The different pairings of chromosomes outlines the blueprints, which are the source of

21. Sexual reproduction is very advantageous because it provides lots of

22. Asexual reproduction is very advantageous because it provides lots of

23. Variations caused by interactions with the environment are not heritable. Plants that are grown in dim lighting conditions would turn out to be

24. Some plants and animals can reproduce asexually and sexually. Alternating between these types of reproduction enables the organism to be

25. The process that produces two new cells with the same number of chromosomes is called

26. An albino kangaroo is a kangaroo that is pure white. This characteristic is classified as a

27. Those characteristics or variations that have a wide range of forms are

28. A group of organisms that have the same structure and can reproduce with one another are considered to be

29. The pistil is made up of the following parts

30. The system that is used to classify individual organisms is ordered from general classification to very specific identification. The correct order of this classification system is

31. Plants or animals that can reproduce asexually and sexually include the following

32. Parthenogenesis, meaning virgin birth in Greek, is the term used to describe the process that transforms unfertilized eggs into mature organisms. Bees are a good example, where unfertilized eggs become

33. The distribution of species on the Earth is not even. The area around the equator is where the most diverse plant species exists. This makes for the greatest biological diversity in tropical

34. Fungi, algae, moulds and non-flowering plants reproduce by producing

35. The most likely alien form of reproduction would be these because they can be dormant for long periods of time and can survive in space

36. The Science of Genetics is the study of how these types of characteristics are passed on from generation to generation

37. A single fetus that grew into a full size human from one sperm cell was a hypothesis held by scientists until the

38. The entire collection of the many different types of organisms on the Earth is called

39. In a class activity students recorded the results of Left Thumb on top vs Right Thumb on top. The data they collected indicated that ‘hand-clasping preference’ was

40. Sexual reproduction in plants and animals relies on the union of 2 specialized cells called


Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Biodiversity

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