Anatomy MCQs Quiz Multiple Choice Questions & Answers Page 2

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Anatomy Questions with Answers

51. Nerve responsible for fine movements of hand is

52. Nerve supply of pyramidalis muscle is

53. Nerve supplying the skin over the mandible is

54. Only abductor of vocal cords is

55. Pharyngotypanic tube connects the middle ear cavity with

56. Posterior cord of brachial plexus gives following branches EXCEPT

57. Pulsations of the femoral artery can be felt at

58. Red blood cells are

59. Second part of duodenum is developed from

60. Sensory nerve for larynx above the level of vocal cord is

61. Sensory nerve for upper lip is

62. Separation of the rectus abdominus during pregnancy would mean which type of exercises may need to

63. Structure crossed by root of mesentry is

64. Structure passing deep to hyoglossus is

65. The corneal reflex is absent in the lesion of

66. The ends of a long bone are known as the

67. The major neurotransmitter secreted in substantia nigra is

68. The nerve having Edinger Westphall nucleus as its component is

69. The nucleus located deep to facial colliculus is

70. Tract present in superior. cerebellar peduncle is

71. Transverse colon develops from-

72. Trendelenbergs test is positive in following conditions EXCEPT

73. What are the by-products of aerobic metabolism?

74. What does prolonged contraction of a muscle cause?

75. What is hypotension?

76. What is the function of the bronchioles?

77. What is the Pleura?

78. What type of joint is the knee?

79. Which nerve injury results in ptosis

80. Which of the following nerves is involved in fracture neck humerus?

81. Which of the following structures is likely to get damaged when the semiflexedknee is suddenly rotated medially


Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Anatomy

Anatomy Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

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