Modern Indian History Multiple Choice Questions and Answers for Practice

Here is the list of Modern Indian History multiple choice questions and answers available online and pdf download format to practice for exams.

Modern Indian History Questions with Answers

16. The fundamental principles of Pancha shila were laid down in the year

17. Gandhism is not merely a political creed it is

18. During the First World War, ............. joined the central powers against Britain.

19. Quit India Movement is also known as

20. The educational boycott was most successful in ............. under the leadership of Chitta Ranjan Das and Subhas Chandra Bose.

21. The main object of Khilafat Movement was to force the ............. Government to change its attitude towards Turkey and to restore the Sultan.

22. Gandhi understood the facts of non-violence from the teachings of:

23. ............. Was associated with INA

24. An All India Khilafat Conference was held at ............. on November 23, 1919 with Gandhi as its president.

25. ............. along with Ali Brothers went to a nationwide tour during which he addressed the Indians in hundreds of meetings.

26. The speed with which the Khilafat agitation spread, especially in the ............. and Valluvanad taluks in Malabar, created alarm in official circles.

27. By the term Panchyat Raj, Gandhi means:

28. ............. visited Malabar in 1921, giving a further impetus to the Khalifat movement.

29. In the second Round Table Conference, ............. was appointed as the representative of the Congress, which was convened from 1st September to 1st December in the year1931.

30. Name the political leader who supported two nation theory


Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Modern Indian History

Modern Indian History Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

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