Meteorology Multiple Choice Questions and Answers for Practice

Here is the list of Meteorology multiple choice questions and answers available online and pdf download format to practice for exams.

Meteorology Questions with Answers

16. Characteristics of an air mass source region include

17. Cloud seeding with silver iodide is based on the

18. Clouds and precipitation form in the air primarily due to

19. Clouds are classified and named according to their altitude and

20. Compared to other types of fronts, the weather associated with a cold front usually

21. Deserts such as the Great Basin, Gobi, and Takla Makan are examples of:

22. Downdrafts and updrafts found side by side relate to the development of a thunderstorm.

23. Downdrafts totally dominate the development of a thunderstorm.

24. During which of the time spans listed below should hurricane formation in the North Atlantic be at a peak?

25. Freezing rain (ice storm) or sleet occurs when

26. Heat lightning:

27. Hurricanes and midlatitude cyclones are similar in that:

28. Hurricanes generally are:

29. Hygroscopoic nuclei may be formed from

30. Inside of a cloud, how do the air temperature and the dew point compare to one another?


Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Meteorology

Meteorology Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

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Meteorology Question and Answer PDF Online

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