46. The final sounds /t/, /d/, and /id/ in the words packed, bagged and patted are instances of
47. The following sound influencing the preceding one is an instance of................assimilation
48. The form dog is a............morpheme
49. The ing in sleeping is an example of
50. The initial /l/ and the final /l/ in the word little are
51. The initial consonant in Young is a.........sound
52. The initial sound in chair and jam are examples for
53. The initial sounds in the words ship, church and judge; ar examples for
54. The IPA came into existence in the year
55. The IPA was established by a group of
56. The is a processes of word formation by which new words are formed by attaching prefixes or suffixes to the base form
57. The –ish in the word childish is
58. The language variety which has certain features which are typical of certain disciplines, topics, fields, occupations and social roles played by the speaker, is called
59. The Musical Theory of the origin of language was advanced by
60. The older term used to designate the study of languages is
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