Interference and Diffraction Quiz | Interference and Diffraction Question and Answer for Practice

Here is the list of Interference and Diffraction quiz questions and answers available online and pdf download format to practice for exams.

Interference and Diffraction Questions with Answers

31. In Newtons rings experiment, if we reduce the radius of curvature of Plano convex lens to zero, what will be effect on Newtons rings?

32. In Newtons rings experiment, if we reduce the radius of curvature of PlanoConvex lens to zero, what will be effect on Newtons rings?

33. In Newtons rings the central spot is

34. In plane transmission grating, the angle of diffraction for second order maxima for wavelength 5 x 10-5 cm is 30 degree. Calculate the number of lines in one centimeter of the grating surface

35. In reference with antireflection coating which of the following statement is true?

36. In reflected light the central fringes of Newtons ring is

37. In thin film of wedge shaped, by keeping all other parameters constant, if only wavelength of incident light is increased. What will be the effect on bandwidth?

38. In wedge shaped film the interference pattern has nature

39. Interference in thin film is mainly because of

40. Interference in thin film is mainly because of

41. Interference of light is evidence that

42. Interference pattern is observed in wedge-shaped film and bandwidth is noted. Now the angle of wedge is reduced to zero. What will be the effect on Bandwidth?

43. Interference pattern is observed in wedge-shaped film and bandwidth is noted. Now the angle of wedge is reduced. What will be the effect on bandwidth?

44. Interference pattern is observed in wedge-shaped film and bandwidth is noted. Now the thin film is replaced by the film of higher refractive index. What will be the effect on bandwidth?

45. Interference pattern is observed in wedge-shaped film for monochromatic light. Now monochromatic light is replaced by white light. What will be the effect on interference pattern?


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