Industrial Chemistry MCQs Quiz Multiple Choice Questions & Answers

Test Your Skills in Industrial Chemistry Quiz Online

Dive into the dynamic field of industrial chemistry with our comprehensive collection of multiple-choice questions and answers! Explore the principles, processes, and applications of chemical reactions in various industries, from manufacturing to pharmaceuticals. Whether you're a chemistry student, a chemical engineer, or simply curious about the role of chemistry in modern industrial processes, our Industrial Chemistry MCQs page offers an engaging and educational experience. Test your knowledge, deepen your understanding, and uncover the complexities of industrial chemistry through our carefully crafted quizzes. Visit now to embark on a journey through the fascinating world of chemical engineering and production!

Industrial Chemistry Questions with Answers

1. 2,4-dichlorophenxy acetic acid is used as a

2. A biodgradable detergent should contain by structurally

3. A medicine which promotes secretion of urine is called

4. A substance which can act both as an antiseptic and disinfectant is

5. Artificial Silk is

6. Aspirin is

7. Baby feeding bottles are made up of

8. Bakelite is obtained from phenol by reacting with

9. Natural rubber is

10. Natural rubber is a polymer of

11. Nylon-66 is obtained from

12. Penicillin was first discovered by

13. Phenecetin is used as an

14. Soaps belongs to which of the following organic compounds

15. Substances used for bringing down temperature in high fever are called

16. Terylene is a polymer of

17. The antiseptic present in dettol is

18. The drug used as an anti-depressant is

19. The drug which is used in curing malaria is

20. The insecticide gammexane is a formulation for

21. The monomer unit of PVC is

22. The substance which affect the sentral nervous system and induce sleep are called

23. The weakest interparticle forces are present in

24. Tranquilizers are the substances used for the treatment of

25. What is used in the preperation of soap

26. Which is an explosive

27. Which is not polymer

28. Which of the following can be remelted again and again without producing any changes

29. Which of the following is a natural polymer

30. Which of the following is antipyretics

31. Which of the following is common example of fibres

32. Which of the following is not an example of addition polymer

33. Which of the following is thermo setting polymer?

34. Which of the following represents an analgesics

35. Which of the following terms means pain killing

36. Which of the folowing drugs is an analgesic

37. Which of the folowing is a common antacid acid

38. Which ofthe following is an insecticide

39. Which one of the following is a synthetic polymer

40. Which one of the following is an antibiotic


Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Industrial Chemistry

Industrial Chemistry Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

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