Indian Philosophy MCQ Questions and Answers for Practice

Here is the list of Indian Philosophy MCQ questions and answers available online and pdf download format to practice for exams.

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MCQ quiz on Indian Philosophy multiple choice questions and answers on Indian Philosophy MCQ questions on Indian Philosophy objectives questions with answer test pdf for interview preparations, freshers jobs and competitive exams.

Indian Philosophy Questions with Answers

1. The word Moksha means

2. According to Jainism Baddha means

3. According to Jainism Mukta means

4. The stage of Student life is called

5. Avarana Sakti is the power of

6. The power of Illusion is called

7. The power of Illusion is called

8. Vikshepa Sakti is the power of

9. According to Acosmic view

10. According to Cosmic view

11. The word Brahman came from the word

12. Which one among the following is called Indian Hedonism

13. Which among the following is not a Heterodox system

14. Which among the following is not a Heterodox system

15. Which among the following is not a Heterodox system


Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Indian Philosophy

Indian Philosophy Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

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Indian Philosophy Question and Answer PDF Online

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