46. Who elects the Vice President of India
47. Who holds the purse holds the power who said this
48. Who is the Head of the Government in India?
49. Who is the person authorized to conduct the election of the speaker in a newly elected House of the People in India
50. who prepares the agenda in meeting of the Council of Ministers
51. Who presides over the joint session of the Parliament?
52. Who presides over the joint sitting of the Parliament
53. Who promulgates ordinance in states
54. Who said the Preamble is the key to the Constitution
55. Who was the chairman of the Constitution Drafting Committee
56. 42nd amendment Act was adopted by the Parliament in
57. A member of the Parliament formally loss his membership if he consecutively abstain himself from....................sitting of the House
58. A vote taken unexpectedly without voters having been briefed in advance
59. Adjournment of the House is the power of the
60. All speeches made in the House of People are addressed to
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