Good Manners MCQs Quiz Multiple Choice Questions & Answers

Test Your Skills in Good Manners Quiz Online

Explore the timeless art of good manners with our curated collection of trivia questions and answers. Whether you're a social etiquette enthusiast, a parent teaching manners to your children, or simply someone who values courtesy and respect, our repository offers a wealth of insights. Delve into topics such as proper dining etiquette, polite communication strategies, gracious behavior in social settings, and the importance of showing consideration for others. Each trivia question is meticulously crafted to test your knowledge and spark your curiosity about the principles of good manners. From understanding the importance of saying "please" and "thank you" to learning about the subtle nuances of body language and nonverbal communication, our trivia provides a comprehensive exploration of the role that good manners play in fostering positive relationships and creating a harmonious society.

Good Manners Questions with Answers

1. Good manners have been developed

2. Good manners are

3. Good manners are what we

4. When people live together, their needs and wants are

5. Good manners are

6. Good manners were

7. If I meet someone new and I want to show good manners, I should

8. If I bump into someone, I should

9. If I am sitting on a crowded bus or train and someone older than I am gets on, I should

10. If someone is talking on the telephone, and I interrupt, that is

11. When we dont talk with our mouths full of food, that is

12. If someone is in his room with the door closed, I should

13. If I want to get to the head of the line so I am not late, but I want to use good manners I could

14. If I am running, and I bump into someone, good manners would be to

15. If I am eating with people, and I burp, it would be good manners to

16. My friend has been playing at my house all day. Its time for him to go home. I should say

17. Leaving the library, I let go of the door right in some peoples faces. Instead, I should have

18. You accidentally knock over a neighbors vase. You should say

19. Someone has just given you a birthday present that you dont really like. You should say

20. You notice a friend looking very sad and tired. You realize this would be a good time to

21. An example of good manners is

22. You and your friends are having fun walking through the mall. Good manners means

23. Your mother is on the telephone, but you want to ask for

24. Someone has just given you a compliment. Its good manners to say

25. Someone who says excuse me when she burps is

26. Using good manners is

27. Using good manners makes

28. The person using good manners is the one who

29. The person not using good manners is the one who

30. Treating people kindly is important


Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Good Manners

Good Manners Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

Good Manners Trivia Quiz

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