Food Waste MCQs Quiz Multiple Choice Questions & Answers

Food Waste MCQs questions answers

Test Your Skills in Food Waste Quiz Online

Delve into the pressing issue of food waste with our curated collection of trivia questions and answers. Whether you're passionate about sustainability, interested in reducing your environmental footprint, or simply curious about the impacts of food waste, our repository offers valuable insights. Explore topics such as the economic, social, and environmental consequences of food waste, innovative solutions to minimize waste in the food supply chain, and the importance of consumer awareness and behavior. Each trivia question is meticulously crafted to challenge your understanding and spark conversations about this critical global issue. Join us in exploring the complexities of food waste and discovering ways to create a more sustainable future.

Food Waste Questions with Answers

1. Why is plastic dangerous for marine life?

2. Who should care about food waste?

3. Who can teach others about food waste.

4. Which way of using leftovers is not correct?

5. Where should glass bottles be taken?

6. What you shouldnt do while shopping?

7. What temperature should your fridge be set at?

8. What temperature should your freezer be set at?

9. What should you do with your old clothes?

10. What portion of all the food produced in the world is lost or wasted every year?

11. What percentage of the worlds freshwater supply is used to grow food that is never eaten?

12. What kind of food do we waste the most?

13. What is wasted when food is thrown out?

14. What is the most wasted food item in the world?

15. What happens to plastic waste?

16. What food, when wasted, represents the biggest waste of energy?

17. What food gets tossed the most?

18. What does RECYCLING mean?

19. What does "reduce" mean?

20. What can you do to help prevent food waste?

21. What can we do with leftovers after lunch?

22. What can food waste be used for?

23. What are leftovers?

24. Wasted food creates methane, a greenhouse gas.

25. Useful materials from the earth,such as coal, oil, natural gas, and trees.

26. Throwing away one burger wastes the same amount of water as a..............shower

27. The amount of food wasted by Australians is

28. On average, how long is a plastic bag used by a person before being thrown away?

29. Items that can be composted include

30. Individuals have little impact on the production of gases produced by waste

31. In what ways we can waste less food?

32. If you choose to take reusable bags to the grocery store instead of getting the plastic bags provided, you have...............the waste you generate.

33. If there are signs of mould on a food, should it be thrown away?

34. How much of the food that is wasted comes from households?

35. How many years can it take for a plastic bottle to degrade?

36. How many people could be fed by that amount of wasted food?

37. How can we prevent food wasting?

38. Food waste only occurs in rich countries.

39. Does plastic waste affect our sea life and ocean?

40. An area larger than which country is used to grow food that is never eaten?

41. TEXT


Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Food Waste

Food Waste Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

Food Waste Trivia Quiz

Food Waste Question and Answer PDF Online

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