Food Science Technology Questions and Answers in Quiz Form 13 for Practice

Here is the list of Food Science Technology multiple choice questions and answers in quiz form and pdf download format to practice for exams.

Food Science Technology Questions with Answers

181. are covered by a crustlike shell and have segmented bodies (like insects).

182. are plant portions generally high in water and fiber.

183. are sides of fish cut lengthwise away from the backbone.

184. are the largest of the microorganisms but are still single cells, and some produce spores.

185. are the most heavily used additives.

186. are the tiniest, and probably the simplest form of life.

187. are used in medical research and therapy in many hospitals and universities.

188. at certain concentrations increases the tenderness of meat.

189. Bacteria or molds that require atmospheric oxygen are...................

190. Beef is normally processed at approximately months of age.

191. Bread is leavened with...................

192. can be achieved on the basis of density or size and shape.

193. can destroy the microorganisms and inactivate enzymes.

194. Candies based on a sugar include rock candy, fondant, and fudge.

195. Carbohydrates and proteins provide about calories per gram.


Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Food Science Technology

Food Science Technology Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

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