16. Liability for partly paid investment what is this
17. Amount received during the course of trading operations are called
18. Which transaction is one where in items are exchanged for other items.
19. What represents the amount invested by owner in to business
20. Transit items may either be
21. A shipment of goods by a manufacturer to an agent tobe sold by him on commission basis on the risk and account of the former called -------------------
22. Pass entry for consignors expenses
23. The person who send the goods to the agent to be sold by him on commission is calle
24. The head office prepares a combined balance sheet called -----------------
25. Any amount spend on increasing the earning capacity of a business is known as
26. Expenditure incurred during one year known as
27. What is the expenditure of revenue nature
28. What is to the original form of accounting
29. The amount of royalty payable is an expense to the lessee and is ------------------ in the royaltyaccount
30. Who is a person to whom business occurs money
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