16. kidney in human being occure in the region of:
17. The glomerular filteration rate in a normal adult is nearly
18. What is the approximately length and diameter of uriniterous tubule?
19. The net pressure glaient that cause the luid to filler out the glomeruti into thecapsule is
20. Secretion of renin from JG cell is due to
21. A process takes place in PCT is
22. Glucose is reabsorbed from glomerular filterate though
23. Juxta glomerular cells of renal cortex synthesize a hormone called:
24. If liver from body is removed then which component of blood increases
25. the least toric nitrogen waste of urine is
26. Involving mainly in RAAS
27. It is also acivate the adraral cortex to release aldosterone
28. Urinary Excretion of Na is regulated by
29. Urea formation occure by:
30. which of these is not a keton body
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