61. is an activity-oriented approach.
62. is an event-oriented approach
63. is granted to small scale units under section 33B of the Income tax act, 1961.
64. is primarily concerned with the identification of the project demandpotential and the selection of the optimal technology.
65. is primarily concerned with the identification, qualification and evaluationof the project resources.
66. is the analysis of costs and benefits of a proposed project with the goal of assuming a rational allocation of limited funds.
67. is the first development bank of the country.
68. is the systematic development of a project idea for the eventual purpose of arriving at an investment decision.
69. is used to accomplish the project economically in the minimum availabletime with limited resources
70. Large investment is made in fixed assets, the project will be termed as
71. LOB stands for.
72. market potential of the project report includes
73. may be defined as the excess of present value of project cash inflows overthat of out flows.
74. Memorandum of association of a firm contains
75. NABARD is a Bank for development
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