16. The Easter candy Americans buy the MOST of is
17. The tradition of having sweets on Easter started with
18. What cake is eaten around Easter?
19. What do Australians use to symolize Easter instead of a Rabbit?
20. What is the Easter egg supposed to symolize
21. What is the food traditionally eaten on Shrove Tuesday?
22. What is the traditional name of Eatser Egg painting?
23. What was the first Easter basket supposed to ressemble
24. Where did the tradition of Easter Bunny originate?Queen Victoria started it
25. Where you will find the world largest Easter Egg?
26. Which animal is credited with delivering Easter Eggs to children at Easter time?
27. Which roast meal is traditionally associated withn Easter
28. Who was the jeweller famous for making ornate Easter eggas for the Russian families?
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