16. Good A and good B are substitutes in production. The demand for good A increases so that theprice of good A rises. The increase in the price of good A shifts the
17. Wants, as opposed to demands,
18. A reduction in the price of a good
19. The quantity supplied of a good is
20. The demand for a good increases when the price of a substitute ________ and also increases whenthe price of a complement ________.
21. Most goods
22. Inferior goods are those for which demand increases as
23. Good A and good B are substitutes in production. The demand for good A decreases, which lowersthe price of good A. The decrease in the price of good A
24. An increase in the number of fast-food restaurants
25. A normal good is a good for which demand
26. An inferior good is a good for which demand
27. The law of demand states that the quantity of a good demanded varies
28. A supply curve differs from a supply schedule because a supply curve
29. As the opportunity cost of a good decreases, people buy
30. When we say demand increases, we mean that there is a
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