Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Multiple Choice Questions and Answers for Practice

Here is the list of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) multiple choice questions and answers available online and pdf download format to practice for exams.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Questions with Answers

16. Socioeconomic system classifies rural households into .......... broad categories.

17. Social class is indicated by .......... variables.

18. A persons .......... are all the groups that have a direct or indirect influence on their attitudes or behavior.

19. Process of manage information about customers to maximize loyalty is said to be

20. In buyer decision process, percentage of potential customers in a given target market is called

21. Aggregate value of customers base is classified as

22. Record which is based on business customers past purchases, sales price and volumes is classified as

23. Whole cluster of benefits when company promises to deliver through its market offering is called

24. Third step in customers value analysis

25. All costs customer expects to incur to buy any market offering is called

26. Percentage or number of customers who move from one level to next level in buying decision process is called

27. Customized products and services for customers and interaction to individual customers are part of

28. Companys customer relationship capital is another name of

29. Companys monetary, time and energy cost, all are included in

30. A person or company that yields a revenue more than incurred costs of selling and serving is called


Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

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