16. ...................is the description of the love story of Kovalanand Kannaki
17. Mohanjedaro was excavated in year
18. Mohanjedaro was excavted by
19. Peshwaship was abolished in the year
20. The 1885 Congress session was held at
21. The famous astronomer who wrote Brihat Samhitha
22. The greatest work of the Tamil literature of the Sanfam age
23. The Greek historian who wrote about Alexanders Indian invasion
24. The Marath Script was known as
25. The Nagara Style of temple architecture is associated with
26. The name Inida was derived from the river name
27. The other name of Brihadeshwara Temple
28. The Source of Swastika symbol
29. The striking feature of the Indus Valley Civilization was
30. The word Godhume used in the vedic period denoted
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