Business Environment Questions and Answers | Online Quiz for Practice

Here is the list of Business Environment questions and answers available online in quiz and pdf download format to practice for exams.

Business Environment Questions with Answers

46. Which industries provide essential inputs for the development of other industries and economy

47. Which is not a tariff barrier?

48. Which of the following denote the structural changes in Indian economy?

49. Which of the following is not an international organization?

50. Which of the following is part of monetary policy decision?

51. Which one is not an element of legal environment?

52. Which one is not the main objective of fiscal policy of India?

53. Who is the Chairperson of NITI Aayog?

54. Who is the current Chairman of NITI Aayog

55. Who represents a State in NITI Aayog Governing council?

56. Who represents a State in NITIs Regional council?

57. Who was the predecessor of WTO?

58. WTO is headquartered in

59. ...........are generally considered as controllable factors

60. ...........are goods undergone manufacturing process and are meant for further processing


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Business Environment Question and Answer PDF Online

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