Body Movements Multiple Choice Questions and Answers for Practice

Here is the list of Body Movements multiple choice questions and answers available online and pdf download format to practice for exams.

Body Movements Questions with Answers

16. Which of the following protects our lungs?

17. Which of the following system is made up of bones and cartilages?

18. The joint which helps in rotating a body in all directions is called

19. The joints between the gum and teeth are

20. Fish moves with the help of its

21. A fluid forming an incompressible skeleton is found in

22. Which of the following joints is found in cranium?

23. Which of the following bones protects the spinal cord?

24. This joint helps the bowler in the game of cricket

25. Sachin has fractured one of his bones in his rib cage . Which of the organs could be affected in the accident?

26. Which of the following is the example of ball-and- socket joint?

27. Which part of the body of a snake is used in locomotion?

28. Synovial fluid is found in the

29. Muscles are attached to the bones by

30. Dhoni tried to bend his elbow backward like how he could with his shoulder . He found he could not. This is because the elbow joint is made up of


Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Body Movements

Body Movements Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

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