Baseball MCQ Questions and Answers for Practice

Here is the list of Baseball MCQ questions and answers available online and pdf download format to practice for exams.

Test Your Skills in BaseballQuiz Online

Step up to the plate and test your knowledge of America's favorite pastime with our curated collection of trivia questions and answers on baseball. Whether you're a die-hard fan of the sport, a coach looking for fun drills, or simply eager to learn more about the history and nuances of baseball, our repository offers a wealth of insights. Delve into topics such as famous players, memorable games, record-breaking achievements, and the evolution of baseball equipment and rules. Each trivia question is meticulously crafted to challenge your knowledge and spark your passion for the game. From exploring the origins of baseball in the 19th century to examining the cultural impact of Major League Baseball (MLB) on American society, our trivia provides a comprehensive exploration of the enduring legacy of America's national pastime.

Baseball Questions with Answers

1. Which of these types of food is a baseball slang term for an easy catch pop fly?

2. British Baseball features how many innings?

3. A player who strikes out three times in a game is said to earn the golden sombrero.

4. Baseball was the first professional sport in the U.S.

5. Hot dogs are the most popular food served at ballparks in the U.S.

6. How many active players are allowed on an MLB teams roster during a standard game?

7. How many runs does a team need to score in one inning to hang a snowman?

8. How many umpires officiate regular season baseball games?

9. How much does an official Major League ball weigh?

10. In professional baseball, players have always worn a uniform to match their teammates.

11. In what year was the catchers mask invented?

12. In what year was the first game of baseball played in the New World?

13. In what year was the National League founded?

14. In what year was the term base-ball first used?

15. Only two MLB players have ever won the Triple Crown honor twice.


Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Baseball

Baseball Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

Baseball Trivia Quiz

Baseball Question and Answer PDF Online

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