31. Sting apparatus in honey bee is a modified form of
32. The benefits of honey bees are
33. The fertile female honey bee is called
34. The honey bees exhibit a type of dance to communicate the location of food. This is known as
35. The stimuli through which a dancing scout bee communicates the location of a food source to other worker bees in a hive are
36. There is a ____________ on the outer surface of the hind tibia in the workers honey bee
37. What colour can the honey bee not see?
38. What colour is the bees blood?
39. What does pollen consist of mainly?
40. What does the bee use to orientate itself when flying during overcast weather without sunshine?
41. What does the beekeeper feed the bees with?
42. What is apiculture
43. What is not a bee product?
44. What is the International Federation of Beekeepers called?
45. What is the maximum life of a queen?
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