121. is direct communications with carefully targeted individual consumers to obtain an immediate response.Personal selling
122. Communication activities which provide incentives to consumer is known as
123. .............is the oral communication with potential buyers of a product with the intention of making a sale.
124. Which type of promotional tool is nonpublic, immediate, interactive and customized?
125. The process which consists of six stages; prospecting, preapproach, approach, presentation, close, and follow-up is called the:
126. ...............is directed towards consumers and traders with the intention to increase immediate or short term sales.
127. When customers are getting offer for the product with fewer prices then the listed price is
128. The middlemen help to stabilises the prices by opting
129. If a copy tells openly and directly all the features of a product or a service with the help of suitable pictures, photos and diagrams to impress a customer, it is called?
130. The most popular form of advertising and it reaches to masses.
131. It is advisable to use.................as a source of advertising.
132. With the popularity of satellites, phones, iPod etc. usage of................becomes ineffective but in remote areas it is considered as the fastest way to communicate with masses.
133. ...............and loyalty programs are wonderful and cost effective way to stay in touch with customers when customer database is used correctly.
134. ................is helpful in promotion the businesses people and big industrialists are promoting their goods and services through networking sites like Facebook, Twitter etc.
135. The type of appeal which is related to a persons psychological and social needs for purchasing products and services?
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