16. Keeping consumers thinking about the product is the objective for which type of advertising?
17. Advertising is an important source of revenue to
18. Which tool of the promotional mix consists of short-term incentives to encourage the purchase or sale of a product or service?
19. If a company wants to build a good corporate image, it will probably use which of the following marketing communications mix tools?
20. It is popularly known as free form of promotion
21. The strategy that encourages dealers and distributors to sell a product is known as
22. is a promotion strategy that calls for using the sales force and trade promotion to move the product through channels.
23. Which of the following strategies is usually followed by B2B companies with respect to promotion strategy?
24. Which of the following strategies is usually followed by B2C companies with respect to promotion strategy?
25. Sales contest, conventions, trade shows are
26. A producer announced that on purchase of a particular product another product will be provided at less rate is
27. The product is sold and money is received in installments. No interest is charged on these installments is
28. An Ad copy that uses the endorsement of a satisfied customer?
29. Which among the following is the right sequence of copywriting process?
30. ..............is a self-regulatory voluntary organization of the advertising industry
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