151. For making a large margin of profit a person purchases goods and sell in his own name is
152. Advertisement provides information regarding product, or idea in non-personal forms, as no face to face contact is involved between
153. From the perspective of sales, advertisements are required for
154. Advertising is generally criticized because the cost involved in making ads are generally
155. Which of these contain no illustrations or logos?
156. The party who get advantages through sales promotion is
157. The middlemen are the connecting link between the producers and..............
158. Advertisement aims at
159. Advertising creates employment as it increases the volume of sales and..............
160. Digital marketing is same as
161. Digital marketing is same as
162. The combination of media used for advertising in a target market is
163. It is criticized that advertising causes people to give too much importance to
164. The specific carrier within a medium is called
165. Selecting time, choosing media types, deciding on reach of frequency and media vehicle for advertisements are part of
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