16. What else did the reply demanded apart from goodwill, ink and paper?
17. What is the irony in this lesson?
18. What type of conflict does the chapter highlight?
19. What was the immediate reaction of the postman on seeing the letter?
20. What was the only hope left in the hearts of Lenchos family?
21. What was the only thing that the Earth needed according to Lencho?
22. Where did Lencho expect the downpour to come from?
23. Where was Lenchos house situated?
24. Which crop was growing on Lenchos fields?
25. Which crop was growing on Lenchos fields?
26. Who is the author of the lesson ‘A Letter to God?
27. Why did Lencho need money?
28. Why did the postmaster decide to reply to Lenchos letter?
29. Why was Lencho not surprised on seeing the money in the envelope?
30. Why was Lencho satisfied?
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